Sunday, August 23, 2009

Task After the Drought

It has been almost unforgivably long since my last entry; however, the project trudges forward and hastens after a swift deceleration. The impending task is developing a proof of concept for WrittenRummage, our decided small non-profit name. This entails a sort of pilot run: using Mturk to crowdsource the task of transcribing a viewable--and decipherable--image of handwritten text, and establishing a template to repeat the task an indeterminate amount of times. The actual process of defining a template and making explicit our expectations of the worker is more intricate than originally anticipated. Deadlines, compensation, the pre-determined quality rating of the worker, modes of communication, our project's credibility, and potential for repeated workers must all be adequately attended to in establishing the task proper. This I will attempt to complete in the ensuing day or two.

It is part of our intent to have automatic incremental increase for the compensation of the workers each day the task is available. That is, given that the intial wage offered for completing the task is denoted quantity $C, day two of the task's posting, should have not yet been accepted by a worker, would have an increased wage of $C + $0.01 or the like automatically. This process would occur until a predetermined cap. I am contacting Mturk to see if this process is possible.